
Is it possible to stick to a diet while on vacation?

You may have seen a saying going around online: “Vacation calories don’t count.” Don’t we all wish that were at least 50% true?

The thing is, it’s not.

Traveling doesn’t mean you have to put your healthy eating habits on hold, does it?

It’s true that at many hotels and all-inclusive resorts, temptation is far too great. While healthy options are offered, let’s be honest: very few people are able to choose a salad over pizza, burgers, ice cream, margaritas, pancakes, steak, etc.

There are ways to stay in shape, or at least do better when it comes to food.

Would you like to know how to watch what you eat while on vacation?


Don’t forget breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Yes, we know sometimes the best part of being on vacation is waking up at lunchtime, but a substantial breakfast that includes cereals, protein and milk is a source of energy that will help you enjoy each day.


Active recreation

Reading a book by the pool is wonderful, but so is swimming a little, or if you packed your sneakers, why not go for a jog?


Healthy snacks

Snacks are readily available wherever you go. You may be tempted to go for chips, cookies, etc., but you’ll also be able to find nuts, energy bars and fruit.


Don’t deprive yourself, but eat in moderation

Moderation is key when it comes to food. We know it’s possible to resist temptation, but it’s easier to give in just a little, and you’ll be happier instead of frustrated.

These are just a few tips to eat healthy while on vacation, but you could also choose accommodations that cater to your diet, like Happy Address: an innovative way to travel. Trust them with your stay and let your vacations be unforgettable.





Do you love adrenaline? Why not try an extreme experience during your Mayan Riviera vacation?

Not everyone is made for adrenaline. Speed, height and thrills don’t often go hand in hand with those looking for peace and quiet while reading a book. But if you’re reading this article, it probably means you’re into excitement, thrill-seeking and extreme experiences. Here are some activities you can’t miss during your stay in the Mayan Riviera.



A cross between skiing and flying—that’s the best way to describe this way of marveling at the beaches from above. This activity is exciting from beginning to end; what could be better than the wind in your hair while you’re floating in the sky? And what better way than to do it than with family or friends?


Exploring the Mayan jungle

The Mayan jungle is as beautiful as it mysterious, and many visitors risk getting lost in the lush vegetation. But don’t worry: there are expert hiking guides (who happen to be friends with aluxes—mischievous Mayan beings who live in the jungle) to take you along the best routes.


Bungee jumping

25 meters between you and the ocean; you’re hanging by a thread, and going faster and faster by the second. Do you dare?

Bungee jumping is one of the most extreme activities there are; only those looking for a real adrenaline rush dare do it.

Of course, these aren’t the only activities out there, but some of the most significant ones. Don’t worry about the accommodation: with Happy Address you can be sure you’ll have a great place with first-rate services waiting for you when you get back.




How to take a vacation and take care of the environment at the same time

The environment belongs to everyone, although it seems that some people don’t yet understand this.

But it’s always important to know we need to take care of all the spots we visit on our family vacations, whether they are on the beach, in the city, in colonial cities, in small villages or ecotourism destinations.

We need everyone’s commitment so our tourism gems remain beautiful for generations to come.

If, for example, you love to enjoy your vacation on one of the beautiful beaches that exist in the Mexican Caribbean and Riviera Maya, you’ll have noticed that hotel staff, officials and inhabitants work tirelessly to protect the environment; however, much remains to be done. How can you help the environment? Here are some tips:

Don’t use a car

On your vacation you should be relaxed and unhurried; take advantage and use public transportation, rent a bike, or if the destination allows, use your feet. This way your carbon footprint will be much smaller.


A sustainable meal is possible

We don’t want you to deprive yourself of regional delicacies, but you can be aware of how to eat them. You may get clandestine offers to consume protected species, and you should definitely refuse them.


Reuse and recycle

Reuse in different ways: a refillable water bottle, returnable containers for water or soft drinks, cloth bags instead of plastic. In hotels it’s often a problem, but there are other kinds of lodging in which you can use non-disposable dishes.


Be like you were never there

It’s vitally important to collect cans, plastic rings, bags, cutlery, napkins and all other trash you’ve generated during your stay.

These are just a few small steps that will help make your stay perfect and keep your destination pristine for a long time.




Todas y todos son bienvenid@s

Cuando decidimos crear Happy Address sólo teníamos una idea en mente: dejarte ser LIBRE.


Vivimos en un mundo donde todo tiene términos y condiciones. Desde que te despiertas estás firmando contratos y obedeciendo reglas, respondiendo preguntas.

¿Qué haces?, ¿qué piensas?, ¿a dónde vas?, ¿quieres redondear?…

Por eso Happy Address se trata de ti y de que seas quien quieras, como quieras y donde quieras.


Todas y todos son bienvenid@s, nuestra única condición es que la pases increíble, que te diviertas, que vivas como nunca, que disfrutes de los paraísos y las propiedades que tenemos para ti.

Happy Address es un proyecto inclusivo: ven tú, ven con quien quieras y haz lo que quieras. Olvídate de las reglas rígidas e inhumanas de un hotel.


Estamos aquí para comprenderte, sabemos que somos humanos, que a veces el tiempo pasa sin que nos demos cuenta, que hoy quieres correr, pero mañana posiblemente querrás descansar.

Entendemos si quieres venir sólo con tu pareja, con amigos, con tu perro o conocer a alguien en un antro, o en un café, o en un bar.


Happy Address es tu LIBERTAD.


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