
Ten rules for your vacation

Vacations have rules, but we don’t mean the boring old rules you might find at a school or an all-inclusive resort’s pool area.

The truth is rules are somewhat necessary, more so for ensuring harmony rather than as an excuse to punish those who break them.

At Happy Address we came up with ten rules for your vacation, precisely because we want you to have fun. Care to read?

1. Getting bored is absolutely forbidden.

2. If most people in your party want to do something and you don’t, don’t do it.

3. If your team is playing, it’s okay to interrupt your vacation to watch.

4. Have (at least) three delicious meals a day.

5. The beach is your second home.

6. Don’t disturb the neighbors (but politely ask them to join the party).

7. Last to make it to the pool gets the ice for drinks.

8. Wear sunscreen.

9. Pick up after yourself at the beach.

10. Recommend Happy Address to friends and family looking for a unique vacation experience in Playa del Carmen.




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